Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dirty little secret #??? revealed

I have lost count of my dirty secrets shared here, so I will guess that I'm at #4 or so.

I sweat!

I sweat like crazy! Whether I am hot or not, I sweat! I am sure my mother and maybe a few friends are just snickering with joy that I have reached a prime age where my grotesque body functions rule my world. I know this is disgusting, but true.
So I feel compelled to once again sing from the rooftops that Becca at Dr. Stones office has changed my world forever!

This amazing product has given me new found joy. I can wear a white undershirt. I can give great big hugs. I can even go without deodorant!

So to my favorite assistant..

You Rock!

1 comment:

The Pratts said...

Thanks Becky - I am telling you sometimes I gross myself out - I am totally going to try it out!