Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Is there nothing going on the the lives of You?

So I have to admit...
I am bored.
Nobody blogs anymore and quite frankly it just won't work for me.
I need to know what you people are doing.
I also have noticed that a couple of people I know that just had third babies have altogether quit blogging. I can't figure this out. Are you really that busy? (He he)
I must have pictures of the little ones and their doings!
Enlighten me people.
My life is so mundane!
Help a sister out huh?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

20 "Moore" things we've done

1-Macade came home
2-Skyler goes to Stake Dance (Hawaiian style)
3-Koy signs up for football
4-Cade working at Old Navy (again)
5-Sterling to Choo Choo convention
6-Becky working
7-Macade signs up for MATC Deisel Mechanics
8-Skyler takes $209 to sign up for school (free education?)
9-Koy gets first locker at the Orem Junior High (I know...)
10-Sterling selling choo choos on ebay like a mad man
11-Skyler still not driving, but don't worry, turning 17 soon
12-Koy wearing football pads everywhere. (Poor Sonic chick lol)
13-Becky working
14- Macade signs contract to move out
15-Macade panics after signing contract to move out
16-Becky impressed that she has something to blog about
17-Cade buys a motorcycle
18-Skyler really nervous when going to Stake dance
19-Koy really nervous about being stuffed into locker
20-The Moore's are ready for school to start. All of them.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So the most exciting, bloggable thing that has happened since Macade got home is...
I am pathetic!
You know you have a boring life when...

You are reading my blog about how nothing exciting and bloggable has happened.