Monday, August 25, 2008

Shout out to my sista at PCS

To the lovely young lady that made my day...
At my place of employment we see a lot of boys and girls from a nearby school. This is a live-in facility that helps troubled youth. So one of my first patients of the day from PCS was telling me about a book she was reading. She said it was such a good book and she was excited to find it. She began to tell me about how everything they offer to read at the school is either a self help book or something about God. So I will loosely quote her,
"Everything has God in it! I pick up the first book.. God, God, God. So I toss it and pick up the next one... God, God, God... Toss it, don't get me wrong, I own a bible...That's where I read about God... Next book... God, God, Wait here's a book...It's not a self help and I can see that it's not about God! THANK GOD!"
I almost died laughing! I don't think she even meant to say it in the end, but it was so darn funny! May have been one of those moments you need to be there for, but nonetheless, Thanks to F.M. for making my day!

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